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Hazel Rowley fellowship 2023 shortlist announced

Writers Victoria has announced the shortlist for the 2023 Hazel Rowley Literary Fellowship, worth $20,000.

The nine shortlisted writers and their projects are:

  • Diane Bell (ACT), for ‘The Queen and the Protector’, about Ngarrindjeri woman Louisa Karpany and South Australian Sub-Protector of Aborigines George Mason
  • Gabrielle Carey (NSW), for a biography of her father Alex Carey, an academic and political activist
  • Aunty Elly Chatfield (NSW), for her memoir about the broader impact of the Stolen Generations experience
  • Carolyn Dowley (WA), for a biography of Sadie Canning, a Wongutha woman, member of the Stolen Generations and Western Australia’s first Aboriginal nurse
  • Jane McCredie (NSW), for a biography of Jane Eastment, one of the so-called ‘incorrigible prostitutes’ sent to Tasmania in 1832
  • Jo Oliver (NSW), for a biography of artist Yvonne Boyd, wife of Arthur Boyd
  • Belinda Probert (Vic), for ‘Secrets and War: Ambition and identity in 20th-century Britain’, a book about her father Bill Probert
  • Charlie Ward (NT), for writing about Jean Zakaria/Culley and her Australian-Indonesian family
  • Susan Wyndham (NSW), for a biography of Australian writer Elizabeth Harrower.

‘This year we are very pleased to see proposals from every state and territory, reflecting the diverse range of approaches to writing biography and memoir in Australia today,’ said Della Rowley, sister of biographer Hazel Rowley, who will judge the fellowship alongside fellowship co-initiator Lynn Buchanan and writers Jeff Sparrow and Clare Wright.

‘The quality and calibre of proposals has been outstanding, and it is particularly pleasing to see proposals from First Nations writers, including in the shortlist, in the year that will see a referendum on the Indigenous Voice to parliament.’

Naomi Parry Duncan won the 2022 fellowship for her proposed biography of Gai-mariagal man Musquito, while 2021 recipient Mandy Sayer published her winning project as Those Dashing McDonagh Sisters (NewSouth) late last year.

The winner of this year’s Hazel Rowley Literary Fellowship will be announced at a special event during Adelaide Writers’ Week on 8 March.

For more information, see the Writers Victoria website.


Category: Awards Local news