Inside the Australian and New Zealand book industry

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Vale Edel Wignell

Author, journalist and poet Edel Wignell has died aged 85.

The Australian Society of Authors (ASA) writes:

‘The ASA was profoundly saddened to hear of the passing of acclaimed author, journalist, and poet Edel Wignell.

‘Edel wrote full time for children and adults since 1979, and part-time for ten years prior to that. She described herself as a writer, compiler, journalist and poet, and she was most certainly prolific.

‘Susanne Gervay, author and regional advisor of the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators Australia East, says “From the second-eldest of six girls of a fundamentalist Christian family born at Echuca, Edel Wignell became a teacher and renowned children’s author. She had 100 published books—fiction, nonfiction and picture-stories—as well as a television series. She was awarded the Australian Society of Authors Medal in 2017 in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the Australian writing community. Edel will be deeply missed.”

‘Alongside her books for children, Edel’s writing for adults has been published in more than 100 journals, newspapers, collections, radio programs and online publications.

‘Hazel Edwards says, “A highly skilled and persistent researcher, Edel’s best work included historical tales or scripts which explored myths and legends as well as the natural world. She was a very competent teacher and later a teachers’ college lecturer and the educational skills were apparent in her articles, notes and books. Escape by Deluge was the historical novel of which she was most proud, and also of being mentored by Patricia Wrightson on this project set during the 1970’s flooding of Elizabeth Street, Melbourne.”

‘From July 2013 Edel gifted her writing earnings and copyright to the ASA—an act of extraordinary generosity which has benefited numerous members for many years. This includes the recipients of the annual Edel Wignell Mentorship which was funded by these earnings until 2018.

‘ASA CEO, Olivia Lanchester says, “Edel held a special place in the heart of our organisation, and we know that her loss will be keenly felt by both the children’s and broader writing community. Edel left a significant legacy, one of which is the much-treasured Edel Wignell Library at the ASA office, which includes editions of many of her prized literary works. We were proud to award her the ASA Medal in 2017 for her outstanding contribution to literature and for her generous support of emerging writers and illustrators.”

‘The ASA pays fond tribute to Edel’s lifelong support of our organisation. We offer our sincere condolences to Edel’s family and friends. Vale.’


Category: Obituaries