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Mother Earth (Libby Hathorn, illus Christina Booth, Lothian)    

Libby Hathorn and Christina Booth are the respected creators of the timely and beautiful poetry anthology for children Mother Earth: Poems to celebrate the wonder of nature. This volume is timely because most people—young and old—are now convinced more than ever of the need to treasure the planet by enjoying and looking after it. Mother Earth is a beautiful work, with each of Hathorn’s finely honed poems enhanced by Booth’s thoughtful, atmospheric illustrations. Many of the poems are set in the Australian bush: ‘Under a Tree’, ‘Tree Planting Rap’ and ‘Bush Picnic’. The beach and Antarctica feature in ‘Out the Back’, ‘Beach Blues’ and ‘Iceberg’s Secret: Antarctica’. Mother Earth is neatly bookended by two haikus. Highlights include the poems ‘Only Connect’, with its unforgettable rainbow-coloured tree; ‘Valley Under the Rock’, an anthem set on Gundungurra land; and ‘The Wonder Thing’, adapted from Hathorn’s memorable 1995 picture book into a literary riddle and depicted as a magnificent night scene with luminous fungi. The design of the book is impeccable, with one to three similarly themed poems each sharing a double page. These are illustrated in different styles to conjure the poems’ playful, instructive or elegising tones. Mother Earth will be valued by families and schools and is a potential award winner. It takes us on a glorious journey through lyrical words and pictures.

Books+Publishing reviewer: Joy Lawn has worked for independent bookshops and blogs at Paperbark Words. Books+Publishing is Australia’s number-one source of pre-publication book reviews.

Books+Publishing pre-publication reviews are supported by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.


Category: Junior Reviews