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ABDA announces 2023 award winners, new paid internship

The winners of the 2023 Australian Book Design Awards, presented by the Australian Book Designers Association (ABDA), have been announced. ABDA has also announced the establishment of the ‘Baseline’ Book Design Internship.

The winners of this year’s awards in each category, chosen from shortlists announced in April, are:

ABDA book of the Year

  • Queer: Stories from the NGV collection (ed by Ted Gott et al, NGV), designed by Dirk Hiscock and Karina Soraya

ABDA cover of the Year

  • My Strange Shrinking Parents (Zeno Sworder, Thames & Hudson), designed by Zeno Sworder

Designers’ choice award

  • Gunyah Goondie + Wurley: The Aboriginal architecture of Australia (Paul Memmott, Thames & Hudson), designed by Pfisterer + Freeman

Emerging designer of the year

  • Jenna Lee for Dropbear (Evelyn Araluen, UQP), Galang (Brook Garru Andrew et al, Powerhouse Publishing), Unlimited Futures (ed by Rafeif Ismail & Ellen van Neerven, Fremantle Press), Whisper Songs (Tony Birch, UQP)

Best designed commercial fiction cover

  • Love and Other Puzzles (Kimberley Allsop, HarperCollins), designed by Mark Campbell

Best designed literary fiction/poetry cover

  • Son of Sin (Omar Sakr, Affirm), designed by Amy Daoud

Best designed nonfiction cover

  • Childhood (Shannon Burns, Text), designed by W H Chong

Best designed nonfiction book

  • Gunyah Goondie + Wurley: The Aboriginal architecture of Australia (Paul Memmott, Thames & Hudson), designed by Pfisterer + Freeman

Best designed series cover

  • ’10 Ways’ series including Healthy Body, Keto Kitchen and Protein Power (Herron Books), designed by Andy Warren

Best fully illustrated book under $50

  • Our Members Be Unlimited (Sam Wallman, Scribe), designed by Sam Wallman

Best fully illustrated book over $50

  • Queer: Stories from the NGV collection (ed by Ted Gott et al, NGV), designed by Dirk Hiscock and Karina Soraya

Best designed cookbook

  • Chinese-ish: Home cooking, not quite authentic, 100% delicious (Rosheen Kaul & Joanna Hu, Murdoch), designed by Sarah Odgers

Best designed children’s picture book

  • My Strange Shrinking Parents (Zeno Sworder, Thames & Hudson), designed by Zeno Sworder

Best designed children’s nonfiction book

  • Off to the Market (Alice Oehr, Scribe), designed by Anna McGregor and Miriam Rosenbloom

Best designed children’s fiction cover

  • No Words (Maryam Master, Pan), designed by Astred Hicks, Design Cherry

Best designed children’s/YA series

  • ‘Bunny Family’ series, including Bedtime is Boring, My Tooth is Looth and Stupid Carrots (Daron Parton, Scholastic), cover design by Sofya Karmazina

Best designed YA cover

  • Sugar (Carly Nugent, Text), cover design by Imogen Stubbs

Best designed independent book

  • Heide Love Poems to Life (David Thomas, Heide Museum of Modern Art), designed by Stuart Geddes and Michael Gibb

Best designed student cover

  • The Making of the Atomic Bomb (Richard Rhodes, University of SA), cover design by Annika Turon-Semmens

Best designed student book

  • Food Face: Almost a cookbook (RMIT), designed by Sophia Matelli

Best designed student series

  • ‘Gentle and Fierce’ series including The Butterfly Effect, Mink Coat and Rabbit Island (Vanessa Berry, RMIT), designed by Ming Hui Lee

In their 71st year, the awards celebrate the ‘best and brightest, most original and beautiful designs of the past year’. The winners were announced at an awards ceremony on Friday, 26 May at Rose of Australia in Sydney.

ABDA ‘Baseline’ Book Design Internship

ABDA has announced the establishment of the ‘Baseline’ Book Design Internship. Each year ABDA will partner with a different publisher or design studio to provide an emerging designer with four weeks’ of ‘in-house’ experience. The inaugural paid internship will be a partnership with HarperCollins.

For more information, see the ABDA website.

Pictured: Guests inspect shortlisted books at the 2023 Australian Book Design Awards


Category: Awards Local news