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Menzies-Pike wins Pascall Prize, Hughes plagiarism coverage wins journalism award

Sydney Review of Books (SRB) outgoing editor Catriona Menzies-Pike has won the 2023 Pascall Prize for Arts Criticism for two SRB book reviews, ‘Critic Swallows Book‘ on Trent Dalton’s Boy Swallows Universe (Fourth Estate) and ‘Fool’s Gold‘ on Blurb Your Enthusiasm (Louise Willder, Oneworld).

Menzies-Pike was chosen as the winner from a shortlist that also included:

Walkley Foundation Chief Executive Shona Martyn said the calibre of the entries was incredibly high. ‘Judging sessions went into extra time as judges weighed up the top entries in highly competitive fields.’

June Andrews Award for Arts Journalism

Journalists Anna Verney and Richard Cooke have won the 2023 June Andrews Award for Arts Journalism for the ‘The John Hughes literary plagiarism series’, which led to John Hughes’ novel The Dogs (Upswell) being removed from the Miles Franklin longlist.

The series included the articles ‘Miles Franklin-nominated novelist apologises for plagiarising Nobel laureate ‘without realising‘ (Guardian), ‘Parts of John Hughes’ novel The Dogs copied from The Great Gatsby and Anna Karenina‘ (Guardian) and ‘Being John Hughes‘ (Monthly).

Both the June Andrews Award for arts journalism and the Pascall Prize for arts criticism was announced as part of the Walkley Foundation’s Mid-Year Celebration. A prize of $5000 is offered to the winner of each award.

For a full list of prizes and winners, visit the Walkley website here.


Category: Awards Local news