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Back Up (Liam Mannix, NewSouth)

Back Up, written by Walkley and Eureka award-winning science journalist Liam Mannix, exposes the appalling practices pervasive in the enormous industries set up to deal with back pain. Covering a wide range of topics, from slipped discs to ergonomics, shoddy device manufacturing, excessive opioid prescription, dubious surgical procedures, and flawed beliefs regarding the spine’s poor evolution for upright posture, the book addresses dangerous fallacies. It challenges the notion that back pain always requires a medical solution and dispels misconceptions that fuel the industries, including that more expensive treatments are inherently more effective. Mannix weaves his and his father’s stories of chronic back injury through the book and reveals how prevalent misconceptions have led to billions of dollars being spent on treatments lacking scientific support. Fortunately, he also explores evidence-based methods that are both cost-effective and yield significant results. Just as The Brain that Changes Itself revolutionised awareness of neuroplasticity, Back Up will enhance the public’s understanding of current back pain research. It also sheds light on woefully inadequate and even dangerous medical practices and is reminiscent of works such as Bad Pharma by Ben Goldacre or Trick or Treatment by Simon Singh. A concise and clear overview of both the science and treatments, Back Up is a vital resource for anyone grappling with back pain.

Books+Publishing reviewer: Warren Bonett owned Embiggen Books and is currently writing and illustrating children's books. Books+Publishing is Australia’s number-one source of pre-publication book reviews.


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