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RWA announces 2023 Ruby winners

Romance Writers of Australia (RWA) has announced the winners of the 2023 Romantic Book of the Year awards, known as the Ruby Awards.

The winners in each category are:

Romantic elements

  • The Library at Wagtail Ridge (Janet Gover, HQ Fiction)

Romantic suspense

  • Jackson (Nyssa Kathryn, NW Partners)

Historical romance

  • Under The Dark Moon (Susanne Bellamy, self-published)

Contemporary short

  • Hometown Cowboy (Dakota Harrison, Tule Publishing)

Contemporary long

  • Larapinta (Annie Seaton, Me & My Girls)


  • The Portrait Sitting (Alivia Fleur, self-published)

Speculative fiction

  • Kingdom Of Chains (Tanya Bird, self-published).

The Emerald Award for an unpublished manuscript by an unpublished writer was awarded to Emma Mugglestone for her manuscript ‘The Reality of Us’, while the Sapphire Award for an unpublished manuscript by a published author was awarded to Renae Black for her manuscript ‘Two Weeks at a Time’.

The winners were presented with their awards at the gala dinner of the RWA annual conference, held on Saturday, 12 August in Sydney. The Ruby Awards are for novels and novellas published by Australian or New Zealand authors in the previous year. More information about RWA and its awards categories can be found on the RWA website.


Category: Awards Local news