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CBCA Book of the Year Awards 2023 winners announced

The Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) has announced the winners of the 2023 Book of the Year Awards.

The winning books in each category, chosen from shortlists announced in March, are:

Older readers

  • Neverlanders (Tom Taylor, illus by Jon Sommariva, PRH)

Older readers: honour books

  • Completely Normal (and Other Lies) (Biffy James, HGCP)
  • The Other Side of Tomorrow (Hayley Lawrence, Scholastic)

Younger readers

  • Runt (Craig Silvey, A&U)

Younger readers: honour books

  • Evie and Rhino (Neridah McMullin, illus by Astred Hicks, Walker Books)
  • The Raven’s Song (Zana Fraillon & Bren MacDibble, A&U)

Early childhood

  • Where the Lyrebird Lives (Vikki Conley, illus by Max Hamilton, Windy Hollow)

Early childhood: honour books

  • Bev and Kev (Katrina Germein, illus by Mandy Foot, Little Book)
  • Snap! (Anna Walker, Scribble)

Picture book of the year

  • My Strange Shrinking Parents (Zeno Sworder, T&H)

Picture book of the year: honour books

  • Dirt by Sea (Tom Jellett, illus by Michael Wagner, PRH)
  • Paradise Sands: A story of enchantment (Levi Pinfold, Walker Books)

Eve Pownall award

  • DEEP: Delve into hidden worlds (Jess McGeachin, Welbeck)

Eve Pownall award: honour books

  • Come Together: Things every Aussie kid should know about the First Peoples (Isaiah Firebrace, illus by Jaelyn Biumaiwai, HG Explore)
  • Wild Australian Life (Leonard Cronin, illus by Chris Nixon, A&U)

CBCA award for new illustrator

  • Tiny Wonders (Sally Soweol Han, UQP).

The winning books were chosen from shortlists announced in March and the CBCA Notable Books list, announced in February.

For more information about the CBCA Awards, see the CBCA website.


Category: Awards Local news