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The Rust Red Land (Robyn Bishop, Spinifex)

Set in country New South Wales beginning in 1890, The Rust Red Land follows Matilda as she comes of age through to the 1930s. She does all that is expected of her as a woman in the world at that time and as the oldest child in her family. Still grappling with the chains of her childhood, she progresses into motherhood and wifedom while also running a small business taking in lodgers. In a time of significant change, as Australia enters the 20th century, she realises there is more for women than domestic life. Against the backdrop of war, famine, poverty and drought befalling her community, Matilda sets out to rise above all familial and societal expectations and limitations to see the world for herself, stop injustices standing in her way and make her own rules. Through her sisters, Una and Myra, her beloved sons, and a budding friendship with a young male lodger in her house, Matilda’s world expands beyond the plain and dusty life she has known. A series of tragedies and romantic moments help Matilda see what life is really like and how it is only just beginning for her. Robyn Bishop spins a gripping story, infusing it with true grit and realism. The Rust Red Land is an engaging and intriguing story filled with complex characters and rural Australian themes that remain relevant today. A highly recommended book for readers who enjoyed Maggie by Catherine Johns.

Books+Publishing reviewer: Brenton Cullen is a Queensland-based writer and reviewer with 10 years' experience working in bookshops. Books+Publishing is Australia’s number-one source of pre-publication book reviews.

Books+Publishing pre-publication reviews are supported by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.


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