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APA releases AI statement

The Australian Publishers Association (APA) has released a statement ‘responding to the rapid advances in artificial intelligence’, seeking a focus on ethics, transparency, incentives and protections, and responsibility.

Coming amidst discussions and controversies across the industry in Australia and internationally, the APA’s statement outlines both the ‘potentially transformative opportunities and efficiencies’ of AI technologies and the ‘serious legal and ethical challenges’ posed. ‘In representing Australia’s publishing sector, the Australian Publishers Association (APA) recognises that Australia’s creative and knowledge sectors are particularly vulnerable to these challenges,’ the APA said, referencing the unacknowledged use of creative material in generative AI training corpora, ‘without acknowledgment or permission from the original creators’.

The statement continues: ‘The APA welcomes the Australian Government’s recognition that a cohesive, responsible, and sustainable regulatory framework must be developed in relation to AI technologies. It is imperative that AI regulation in Australia strikes the correct balance so that both AI development and cultural industries can flourish. This necessitates that Australian publishers, authors, and other creators are supported, not displaced to the detriment of our nation’s unique cultural landscape and an authentic Australian voice.’

In its statement, the APA said it is ‘urging our governments to ensure that any legislative or policy developments in relation to AI have regard to the following core principles:

  1. Policies must be underpinned by a clearly defined ethical framework
  2. Transparency is key
  3. Ensure appropriate incentives and protections for creators and rights-holders
  4. Policy settings must be balanced.’

The APA will ‘continue to advocate to federal and state governments for policy settings that reflect these positions, working with partners across the book industry’.

The full statement is available on the APA website.


Category: Local news