Inside the Australian and New Zealand book industry

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Making Shadows

Making Shadows spans the years 1941 to 1992. It focuses on a group of Australian veterans and their post-war struggles. Readers can expect an escalation of organised crime, mental illness, revenge and murder. Within adult fiction in Australia, very little has been published about PTSD affecting our war veterans, Gulf War veterans included. Indeed, the same is true concerning the professional achievements of First Nations people. Making Shadows addresses these issues in a considered social commentary.

Making Shadows by Tony McHugh

Publisher: Tony McHugh
Genre: Historical Fiction & Crime
ISBN: 9780646892924
Price ($AUD RRP): $24.99 (paperback)
Distributor: IngramSpark (paperback & ebook)
Available via: Abe Books (paperback), Amazon (ebook), Amazon (paperback), (paperback)

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