Fremantle Press’s Bookaburras program to receive support from Premier’s Summer Reading Challenge, KindiLink
Fremantle Press’s early reading program, Bookaburras, will launch a regional tour featuring Bookaburras Ambassadors across Western Australia, following the announcement of additional support from the Premier’s Summer Reading Challenge and KindiLink.
As part of the program, playgroups, kindergartens and early learning centres help distribute a ‘Books for Little Bookaburras’ book pack to children. The Premier’s Summer Reading Challenge and KindiLink have committed to a new pilot program, which will widen the distribution of the Bookaburras program and support a regional tour that will see Bookaburras Ambassadors visiting KindiLink centres across WA.
Each Little Bookaburras participant will receive a copy of Say Hooray by Renae Hayward and Rebecca Mills, Backyard Birds by Helen Milroy, and one of the following picture books by WA authors and illustrators: Pandamonia (Chris Owen & Chris Nixon), The Two-Hearted Numbat (Ezekiel Kwaymullina & Ambelin Kwaymullina), The Last Viking Returns (Norman Jorgensen & James Foley) or One Thousand Trees (Kyle Hughes-Odgers).
‘This mini-library is designed to encourage a love of stories by including new books by local authors, including First Nations storytellers, which can be shared and enjoyed by families’, said the publisher.
The 2024 Bookaburras program will launch at Bentley Primary School KindiLink on Wednesday, 8 May. More information about the program is on the Fremantle Press website.
Category: Local news