All About the Brain (Gabriel Dabscheck, illus Kim Siew, Berbay)
Dr Gabriel Dabscheck’s All About the Brain is a fun and engaging exploration of one of the body’s most fascinating and mysterious organs. Before exploring the brain-body connection, the book begins with basic information about brain size and weight, including the different parts of the brain and what they do. There are also plenty of fun facts included, such as how an octopus has a brain in each of its eight arms (tentacles) and how a newborn baby’s brain weighs about as much as a large orange (400 grams). Vibrant and playful illustrations and diagrams by Kim Siew complement each nugget of information and increase engagement. Readers aged 4+ will love learning about how their brain facilitates everyday actions and activities, from playing sport to forming memories. Ways to look after your brain, from eating well to forming friendships and getting enough sleep, are also explored. All key terms are clearly defined and explained in everyday language, maintaining a great pace throughout. The information doesn’t become too dense, and a glossary is included for further reference. Much like Philip Bunting’s books, All About the Brain is perfect to share with pre-schoolers and primary school readers—even adults will find plenty of fresh facts to pore over and enjoy in this lively celebration of the brain.
Books+Publishing reviewer: Melinda Allan is a librarian, freelance writer and all-round booklover. Books+Publishing is Australia’s number-one source of pre-publication book reviews.
Category: Friday Unlocked reviews Reviews