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PRH merges Penguin Business and Penguin Life imprints

In the UK, Penguin Random House has announced it is merging its Penguin Business and Penguin Life imprints with immediate effect, under the name Penguin Life, reports the Bookseller.

Publishing director Pippa Wright, who will lead the new imprint, said it had ‘become clear that consumers of personal development don’t make a distinction between books that help them optimise their working lives, and books that help them optimise the rest of their lives’.

‘Readers want to see holistic results, and we know that better health leads to better relationships, which lead to better performance at work and so on,’ said Wright. ‘Uniting both imprints as Penguin Life allows us to publish the very best authors whose skills and experience can improve every part of your life, while recognising how these two markets increasingly cross over.’

The imprint will publish titles ‘across multiple personal development categories, including health-led science, popular psychology, smart thinking, career, productivity, focus and fitness’, as well as a few illustrated projects, reported the Bookseller.


Category: International news