Inside the Australian and New Zealand book industry

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Book blogger spotlight: Sam Still Reading

Wednesday, 5 April 2017
Blogger Jeanie Misko has been writing about an eclectic mix of books for her blog Sam Still Reading since 2010, with her audience growing to about 2500 people a month. Misko...

Book blogger spotlight: Happy Indulgence

Wednesday, 29 March 2017
Happy Indulgence is run by three YA book bloggers specialising in contemporary, historical, sci-fi and fantasy titles. The site reaches an audience of over 10,000 followers in the US, Australia...

Book bites: Titles for tots 

Tuesday, 14 March 2017
In the picture Detailed illustrations take centre stage in Let’s Count Kisses (Karen Hull, Hachette, April), which encourages kids to count the butterflies on each page while Aussie animals are...

Talkback: Addressing the cost of literary awards 

Tuesday, 14 March 2017
The decision by UWA Publishing to cease entering its titles for book awards has highlighted the high costs incurred by publishers. Andrea Hanke spoke to several awards organisers to find...

Shelf talk: Page-turners 

Tuesday, 14 March 2017
It’s all about chick lit, historical fiction and Gone Girl-esque thrillers over the next few months as the publishing industry gears up for Mother’s Day. ‘If Bridget Jones and Nina Proudman...

Shelf talk: Fresh start 

Tuesday, 14 March 2017
There are always lots of health and wellbeing titles out early in the year while New Year’s resolutions are still fresh. Two former stars of the Australian TV series the...

Shelf talk: Life stories 

Tuesday, 14 March 2017
When journalist and news anchor Tracey Spicer was sacked by her network after having a baby, she took legal action and threw off the shackles of being a self-described ‘good...

Your store: A round-up of retailing news, tips and titbits 

Tuesday, 14 March 2017
Booksellers, publishers collaborate at Indies Forum Around 90 guests gathered in Melbourne in February for the first Indies Forum, hosted by the Australian Publishers Association (APA) and Australian Booksellers Association...

Rundle in the jungle: On Dymocks Adelaide 

Dymocks Adelaide staff Tuesday, 14 March 2017
Dymocks Adelaide franchise owner Mandy Macky has led the Rundle Mall store since 1991, through microfiche, continuous-feed computer sheets and a relocation. She shares her bookseller’s diary.  Standard Books was...

Partnering up: Launching La Trobe University Press 

Tuesday, 14 March 2017
La Trobe University has partnered with Black Inc. to launch the nonfiction imprint, La Trobe University Press, in the university’s 50th anniversary year. Vicki Stegink spoke to vice-chancellor John Dewar...

Alternative worlds: Australian genre publishing 

Tuesday, 14 March 2017
Danielle Binks explores the state of genre publishing in Australia. In 2012, the Australian Writer’s Marketplace (AWM)—an arm of the Queensland Writer’s Centre—held its first ever ‘GenreCon’ for writers. In...

The missing beat: Benjamin Ludwig on ‘Ginny Moon’

Wednesday, 8 March 2017
One of the first titles from Harlequin Australia’s new HQ imprint is US author Benjamin Ludwig’s debut novel Ginny Moon (May), ‘a unique and compelling narrative that gets deep inside...

Small Australian presence at 2017 TIBE

Friday, 3 March 2017
Readings managing director Mark Rubbo reports from this year’s Taipei International Book Exhibition: The first Taipei International Book Exhibition (TIBE) was held in 1987, which made this year’s fair the...

Small publisher spotlight: Zabriskie Books 

Wednesday, 1 March 2017
Sydney-based Zabriskie Books is building a ‘beautiful, engaging and varied nonfiction catalogue’. Bookseller turned publisher Niki Zubrzycki spoke to Books+Publishing for our Small Publisher Spotlight series. Describe your company in...

Book bites: Big kids’ books 

Tuesday, 28 February 2017
Get smart Why let the little kids have all the fun? Picture books are a useful way to get primary school-aged children to engage with nonfiction, and there are several...

Your Store: Non-book item of the month 

Tuesday, 28 February 2017
We all know rainy days are best spent curled up inside with a book, but if you must venture out you might as well let your favourite Penguin classic keep...