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DC Public Library to add self-published authors’ ebooks to their collection

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In the US, the District of Columbia (DC) Public Library is looking to add ebooks written by local authors to its online collection, reports NBC News.

Electronic resources librarian April DeRome said she hopes the library can add 10-20 new titles from the submissions, which will be reviewed by library employees with ‘a wide range of interests’. Selected titles will be featured on the library’s OverDrive homepage, which is accessed by 3000 readers a day.

DeRome said local authors often ask for their published books to be added to the DC library’s collection, but ‘this is the first time that it’s intentional, that we’re reaching out to local authors in our community’.

There’s no prize money for authors, but the library will purchase author’s titles through the self-publishing platform before adding them to the collection.

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