
April’s Independent Publishing newsletter

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Welcome to the April issue of Books+Publishing’s monthly Independent Publishing newsletter.

This month I’m welcoming our new columnist Nigel George to the newsletter. In his first article, published below, Nige turns his eye to what is very much the issue of the day: AI. With his background as a ‘tech head’, Nige explains what AI is and isn’t, as a lead in to part two—coming next month—which will explore some of the challenges and opportunities the latest natural language AIs present to writers. Nige previously wrote a series of articles back when we were called Australian Self-Publisher, drawing on his experience as both an educator and a successful independently published author himself.

Also this month is a look at new report out of the UK, which has found that the average incomes for independent authors rising; it’s particular interesting reading when compared to similar reports on incomes for traditionally published authors.

Happy reading (and writing)!

Brad Jefferies

Editor, Independent Publishing

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