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26 October 2023


Master, Liang, Lien win 2023 Readings Prizes

Readings has announced Maryam Master, Ann Liang, and Tracey Lien as the 2023 winners of the Readings Prizes at an event at Readings Emporium, Melbourne, on 25 October. The winning... Read more
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Savva’s Bulldozed wins Australian Political Book of the Year

Niki Savva has won the 2023 Australian Political Book of the Year award for her book Bulldozed (Scribe). Bulldozed was announced as the winner at an event at the National... Read more
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An author photograph of Ange Crawford


Crawford wins inaugural Walker Books Manuscript Prize

Melbourne-based writer Ange Crawford has won the inaugural Walker Books Manuscript Prize for her YA novel, How to Be Normal. The shortlist was judged by authors Sally Murphy, Jared Thomas... Read more
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HarperCollins acquires debut crime novel The Wolf Tree x

HarperCollins has acquired UK and Commonwealth rights (excluding Canada) to Laura McCluskey’s debut novel The Wolf Tree in a two-book deal. HarperCollins fiction publisher Anna Valdinger and HarperCollins UK publisher,... Read more

Scholastic to end controversial diverse stories collection

In the US, Scholastic will stop offering its diverse stories collection—Share Every Story, Celebrate Every Voice—following accusations its rollout aided censorship at book fairs, reports Publishers Weekly. In a letter... Read more


Our Family Dragon (Rebecca Lim, illus Cai Tse, Albert Street Books) x

Our Family Dragon: A Lunar New Year story is a joyful celebration of love, family and the Lunar New Year from award-winning writer Rebecca Lim. This festive story is illustrated... Read more

Books+Publishing pre-publication reviews are supported by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.




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