Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
15 January 2016

ASA announces 2015-16 mentorship recipients

The Australian Society of Authors (ASA) has announced the recipients of its 2015-16 mentorships for emerging writers and illustrators. Elizabeth Bryer (nonfiction) Steve Fraser (fiction) Denise Cummins (fiction) June Perkins... Read more

Featherston to hold second Booktown event in May

Featherston, New Zealand, will hold its second major Booktown event from 20-22 May this year. The town held its first Booktown event in October last year as part of its... Read more

Hachette signs Richell Prize winner, shortlisted writer x

Hachette has acquired titles from the winner of the inaugural Richell Prize for Emerging Writers, Sally Abbott, and shortlisted writer Brodie Lancaster. Hachette publisher Robert Watkins told Books+Publishing that Abbott’s... Read more

Pullman resigns as Oxford Literary Festival patron over refusal to pay authors

In the UK, author Philip Pullman has announced his resignation as Oxford Literary Festival patron over its refusal to pay speakers, reports the Bookseller. Pullman told the Bookseller it was... Read more



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