Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
16 March 2016

Readings Children’s Book Prize 2016 shortlist announced

The shortlist for the Readings Children’s Book Prize for 2016 has been announced. The shortlisted titles are: 88 Lime Street (Denise Kirby, Omnibus) The Bad Guys (Aaron Blabey, Scholastic) The... Read more

2016 Grimshaw Sargeson Fellows announced

New Zealand writers Diana Wichtel and Breton Dukes are the recipients of the 2016 Grimshaw Sargeson Fellowship. Wichtel and Dukes will each receive NZ$20,000 (A$17,711) and tenure at the Sargeson... Read more

Carnegie, Greenaway medals 2016 shortlists announced

In the UK, the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) has announced the shortlists for the 2016 Carnegie and Kate Greenaway medals. The eight books on this year’s... Read more



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