Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
Image. Advertisement: The Secret Life of Whales by Micheline Jenner
6 October 2017

The rights stuff 2017: Healthy year for Australian rights sales

For the 15th year in a row, Books+Publishing has surveyed Australian rights managers and literary agents to gauge the health of Australian rights trading and book exports. Andrew Wrathall and... Read more

Scribe Nonfiction Prize for Young Writers shortlist announced

Scribe and Express Media have announced the shortlist for this year’s Scribe Nonfiction Prize for Young Writers. The shortlisted writers and their works are: Sian Campbell, for ‘Harriet and the... Read more
Image. Advertisement: Leading Edge Books

Carey to headline Geelong’s Word for Word Nonfiction festival

Novelist Peter Carey will headline this year’s Word for Word Nonfiction festival, which runs at the Geelong Library & Heritage Centre from 17-19 November. Carey will be in conversation with... Read more

New ‘Books+Publishing Junior’ reviews out now

Books+Publishing’s latest Junior newsletter contains six reviews of books publishing in December 2017 to February 2018. Two books scored four-and-a-half stars: Catherine Pelosi’s junior-fiction debut Quark’s Academy (Lothian, February); and... Read more
Image. Advertisement: Tinkering: Australians Reinvent DIY Culture


Ishiguro wins 2017 Nobel Prize in Literature

Japanese-born UK author Kazuo Ishiguro has won the 2017 Nobel Prize in Literature for his ‘novels of great emotional force’. The author is best known for his Man Booker Prize-winning... Read more
Image. Advertisement: Crazy Bird Stories



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