Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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7 November 2018

Bowker’s ISBN agency websites hacked in Australia and US; credit card numbers compromised

Bowker, which trades in Australia as Thorpe-Bowker, is investigating ‘patterns of unauthorised charges’ to credit cards that have been used on Bowker’s MyIdentifiers websites, which are used to purchase ISBNs... Read more


Australians nominated for 2019 Carnegie and Kate Greenaway medals

A number of Australian authors and illustrators have been nominated for the 2019 Carnegie and Kate Greenaway medals. Australian books including A Different Boy by Paul Jennings and Geoff Kelly (A&U)... Read more
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Leigh wins 2018 Bragg UNSW Press Prize for Science Writing

Andrew Leigh has won the 2018 Bragg UNSW Press Prize for Science Writing for ‘From bloodletting to placebo surgery’, an excerpt from his book Randomistas: How Radical Researchers Changed Our World (Black Inc.). Leigh’s... Read more


Two books tie for best novel at the 2018 World Fantasy Awards

In the US, the winners of the 2018 World Fantasy Awards have been announced at the World Fantasy Convention in Baltimore, with two books tying for best novel. The winning... Read more
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French publisher wins $342k Turjuman Award

French publishing house Actes Sud has won the Turjuman Award, receiving AED 910,000 (A$342,000) for its French translation of The Nature of Despotism by Syrian author Abdul Rahman Al Kawakibi (trans Hala... Read more
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