Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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12 August 2019


‘No Friend but the Mountains’ wins National Biography Award

The State Library of New South Wales (SLNSW) has announced No Friend but the Mountains by Behrouz Boochani (Picador) as the winner of this year’s $25,000 National Biography Award. The... Read more


RWA awards 2019 winners announced

The winners of the 2019 Romance Writers of Australia (RWA) Romantic Book of the Year awards, known as the Ruby Awards, were announced on 10 August at the RWA conference... Read more
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Colloborative literary organisation established in New Zealand

A new literary organisation called the Coalition for Books has launched in New Zealand. Established with seed funding from Creative New Zealand, the Coalition for Books will be a collaborative... Read more


Bestsellers: ‘Dare to Lead’ challenges ‘Treehouse’ for top spot x

The 117-Storey Treehouse (Andy Griffiths, illus by Terry Denton, Pan) is at the top of the top 10 bestsellers chart for the second week in a row. In second spot... Read more
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HarperCollins earnings up six percent in fiscal 2018–19

In the US, HarperCollins has reported a six percent rise in earnings despite flat annual revenue for the 2018–19 fiscal year, reports Publishers Weekly. EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation,... Read more


Publishers Weekly

Books+Publishing is partnering with US trade news magazine Publishers Weekly to provide our subscribers with exclusive access to the weekly digital edition of PW magazine for a limited time. This... Read more
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