Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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30 November 2020


Day wins Patrick White Award

Novelist Gregory Day has been named the winner of the $15,000 Patrick White Award for 2020. The annual award was established by Patrick White using the proceeds of his 1973... Read more


Southern-Reid wins Sisters in Crime Scarlet Stiletto Award 2020

The winners of the 2020 Scarlet Stiletto Awards, presented by Sisters in Crime, have been announced. Bermagui, NSW–based writer Jessica Southern-Reid won the $1500 first prize for her story about... Read more
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‘The Eighth Life’ wins Warwick Prize for Women in Translation

The Eighth Life (Nino Haratischvili, trans by Charlotte Collins and Ruth Martin, Scribe) has won the UK’s Warwick Prize for Women in Translation, reports the Bookseller. The Eighth Life, an... Read more


WestWords wins Western Sydney business award

Western Sydney not for profit literary organisation WestWords has won the Excellence in Arts and Culture category in the 2020 Western Sydney Awards for Business Excellence. The awards acknowledge the... Read more
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HarperCollins acquires Pung, Ng children’s books x

HarperCollins Children’s Books Australia has acquired world rights to two books by author Alice Pung and illustrator Sher Rill Ng at auction via Clare Forster at Curtis Brown Australia and... Read more


‘A Promised Land’ debuts at number one x

Barack Obama’s highly anticipated memoir A Promised Land has debuted at number one on the Australian bestsellers chart, after selling over 887,000 copies in the US on its first day. Obama’s book... Read more
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Read the latest Publishers Weekly x

Books+Publishing is partnering with US trade news magazine Publishers Weekly to provide our subscribers with exclusive access to the weekly digital edition of PW magazine. View the edition here.



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