Weekly Book Newsletter (end March 2022)
29 November 2006

Useful tips for subscribers #8: 'WBN for Dummies' x

If you haven’t yet discovered all the useful new features of the online WBN, why not grab hold of a FREE copy of Weekly Book... Read more

Christmas closing list x

Publishers/distributors are asked to advise WBN of their Christmas closing dates by 4 December. A full list will appear once only in WBN on 6... Read more

Parragon sets up in Australia x

International publisher Parragon has announced the opening of its Australasian business, based in Melbourne and headed by Ian Ashmore. Ashmore, who formerly headed the publishing... Read more

Limelight Press to close x

Limelight Press has announced that it will close at the end of 2006, after six years of operation. Jayne Denshire, who founded the press together... Read more

'Censorship by salesmen' x

Literary agent Lyn Tranter has described as ‘gutless’ the decision by Scholastic Australia to cancel publication of Army of the Pure by author John Dale.... Read more

Melbourne to bid for UN City of Literature status x

A pre-election proposal from the newly re-elected Labor state government in Victoria promises a $9 million package ‘to support writers, literary organisations and festivals’ in... Read more

ELR/PLR distributes over $17 million x

The 2005-06 annual report of the Public Lending Right (PLR) scheme has been released, showing detailed figures on the recipients of over $7 million in... Read more

New look State Library of Queensland x

The new State Library of Queensland building at Brisbane’s South Bank was opened to the public on 25 November. The refurbished five-level building includes an... Read more

Australian Publishers and Authors Bookshow 'a great success' x

The eighth annual Australian Publishers and Authors Bookshow, held at the Leichhardt Town Hall in Sydney last weekend was ‘a great success’, according to Irina... Read more

ABA Christmas parties roll around again x

This year’s NSW book trade Christmas party was held by the NSW branch of the Australian Booksellers Association on 22 November in Pyrmont, Sydney and... Read more

Reader's Digest Australia unaffected by sale x

Following last week’s announcement that an investor group led by Ripplewood Holdings had agreed to acquire Reader’s Digest, managing director of Reader’s Digest Australia Paul... Read more

Australian Campus Booksellers Association conference x

John Wiley & Sons was named Supplier of the Year at this year’s annual Australian Campus Booksellers Association (ABCA) conference, held in Brisbane on 16... Read more

Around the World: Round-up x

In news from our Around the World blog this week: Ian Jack to step down as editor of editor of UK literary journal Granta; a... Read more

Bestsellers this week x

This week’s bestselling title benefited from a little unexpected media attention. Schapelle Corby’s memoir My Story raced to the top of the charts amid reports... Read more

RiP William Diehl x

American novelist William Diehl, author of the bestselling legal thriller Primal Fear (Vintage), has died at the age of 81. Diehl began his writing career... Read more

Business books compete for prize x

Packer’s Lunch by Neil Chenoweth (Allen & Unwin) and Asbestos House by Gideon Haigh (Scribe) are the two titles shortlisted for the 2006 Blake Dawson... Read more


The annual general meeting of the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) was held on the weekend of 18-19 November. ‘Major successes of the last... Read more



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