Weekly Book Newsletter (end March 2022)
Image. Advertisement: Warren Mundine. In Black & White: Race Politics & Changing Australia
1 November 2017

‘WBN’ published Thursday next week x

Please note that, due to the Melbourne Cup holiday in Victoria on Tuesday, 7 November, the next Weekly Book Newsletter will be published on Thursday, 9... Read more
Image. Advertisement: Peter Carey. Long Way From Home. 30 October.


SPN Independent Publishing Conference 2017 program announced

The Small Press Network (SPN) has launched the program for its 2017 Independent Publishing Conference, which will run at the Wheeler Centre in Melbourne from... Read more


‘The Dry’ wins CWA Gold Dagger

Australian author Jane Harper has won the 2017 UK Crime Writers’ Association (CWA) Gold Dagger for her debut novel The Dry (Pan). The Dry was... Read more
Image. Advertisement:


‘Extinctions’ wins 2017 Colin Roderick Award

Josephine Wilson’s Miles Franklin Award-winning novel Extinctions (UWA Publishing) has won the 2017 Colin Roderick Award and the HT Priestley Medal, administered by the Foundation for... Read more


A&U acquires local crime-fiction debut with ‘major international buzz’

Allen & Unwin has acquired ANZ rights to Australian journalist Chris Hammer’s crime-fiction debut Scrublands for publication in August 2018. A&U reports that the novel... Read more
Image. Advertisement: Codi and Tamaka: The Lost Seal by Lynette Collins


First authors announced for 2018 Adelaide Writers’ Week

A number of authors have been announced for the 2018 Adelaide Writers’ Week, which runs from 3-8 March. Among the big-name international authors attending the... Read more


New Ventura Press imprint signs Meyer

The debut novel by Melbourne writer and Echo Publishing commissioning editor Angela Meyer has been acquired by Ventura Press’ new Peter Bishop Books imprint. Martin... Read more


Affirm acquires memoir ‘Sophie’s Boys’

Affirm Press has acquired world rights to Sophie’s Boys, a memoir by Sophie Smith, who lost her triplets after going into labour prematurely, as told... Read more


Oscar-nominated screenwriter to write, produce ‘Nevermoor’ adaptation

The Oscar-nominated US screenwriter, director and producer Drew Goddard will write and produce the film adaptation of Jessica Townsend’s children’s book Nevermoor (Lothian), reports the... Read more


Scribe acquires ‘alarming report card’ on Trump’s first year

Scribe has acquired ANZ rights to Brian Klaas’ The Despot’s Apprentice: Donald Trump’s Attack on Democracy, a study of Trump’s ‘increasingly authoritarian tactics and the... Read more


YABBAs 2017 winners announced

The winners of the 2017 Young Australians Best Book Awards (YABBAs), Victoria’s children’s choice awards, have been announced. The winning titles are: Picture storybooks Do... Read more


WAYRBA 2017 winners announced

The winners of the 2017 West Australian Young Readers’ Book Awards (WAYRBA) have been announced. The winners are: Picture book: Do Not Open This Book... Read more

Spineless Wonders, Tablo, SLV to launch Carmel Bird Digital Literary Award

Publisher Spineless Wonders, online publishing platform Tablo and the State Library Victoria (SLV) have partnered to launch the Carmel Bird Digital Literary Award, a new... Read more


‘SRB’ to publish anniversary anthology

The Sydney Review of Books (SRB) will publish an anthology of essays on Australian fiction, poetry and nonfiction to mark its five-year anniversary. Essays in... Read more

Arts Tasmania 2018 Artist Investment Program recipients announced

Three writers have received grants in the 2018 round of Arts Tasmania’s Arts Investment Program, which provides funding for artists’ creative projects. Thirty-five successful applications... Read more



CBCA NSW announces shortlist for 2017 mentorship program

The Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) NSW branch has announced the shortlist for the 2017 Aspiring Writers Mentorship Program for unpublished children’s writers. The... Read more

WA government honours arts ‘champions’ in inaugural awards

The Western Australian government has announced the recipients of the inaugural State Arts and Culture Partnership Honours, which ‘acknowledge the outstanding contributions of individual philanthropists... Read more


Ngaio Marsh Award 2017 winners announced

Fiona Sussman’s The Last Time We Spoke (Allison & Busby) has won the 2017 Ngaio Marsh Award for Best Crime Novel. Sussman is the first female author... Read more

Waterstones owner Mamut considering sale of the chain

Waterstones owner Alexander Mamut has asked corporate advisors from the investment banking company N M Rothschild to explore a £250m (A$429.5m) sale of the UK... Read more


Sharjah Publishing City opens for business x

Sharjah Publishing City, a new publishing hub located in the United Arab Emirates, has opened for business, and the Sharjah Book Authority is inviting international... Read more

UK booksellers pay 11 times more corporation tax than Amazon, report finds

A report commissioned by the UK Booksellers Association and released by the Centre for Economics and Business Research has found that UK bookshops pay 11... Read more

Rights round-up

Sales Fiction—Hachette has sold Czech rights to The Secret Recipe for Second Chances (J D Barrett). HarperCollins has sold German rights to The Pretty Delicious Café... Read more


Bestsellers this week x

Dan Brown’s Origin (Bantam) has claimed the top spot in the overall bestsellers chart for the third week in a row, ahead of a resilient... Read more

Quote of the week

‘The majority of Australian writers, especially those writing literary fiction and/or published by independent publishers, are lucky to get advances of $5000’author Annabel Smith surveys a cross-section of authors on their author advances as part of a new series called ‘How Writers Earn Money’.


New ‘Books+Publishing’ reviews out now

Books+Publishing’s final Reviews newsletter for 2017 contains 14 reviews of books publishing in January, February and March 2018, as well as previews of Australian publishers’... Read more

Cultural leaders call for support to meet digitisation deadline

The directors of the National Library of Australia, the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia and the National Archives of Australia have called for... Read more

Libraries awarded NLA community heritage grants

The National Library of Australia (NLA) has announced the recipients of the 2017 Community Heritage Grants (CHG) program, including a number of libraries. In NSW,... Read more

Homeless people offered access to Manchester libraries under new pilot scheme

In the UK, Manchester City Council has launched a pilot scheme to allow homeless people to join its 22 libraries and access its digital services,... Read more

The Amazon effect: What the arrival of Amazon means for the bookselling industry x

Recently, communications agency Spectrum Group hosted a panel discussion in Sydney on what the arrival of Amazon means for the Australian retail industry, with a... Read more

Write on: 2018 fiction preview x

Each year we ask Australian publishers to tell us about their most anticipated titles for the year ahead. Among publishers’ 2018 highlights are new books by... Read more

ILF trivia night fundraiser in Sydney x

The Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF) invites you to attend its major annual NSW fundraising event, hosted by Richard Glover. The event will raise funds to... Read more

Footprint Books to distribute Human Kinetics

Footprint Books is pleased to announce a new sales & distribution partnership with Human Kinetics in Australia & New Zealand.

Human Kinetics produce innovative, informative books in all areas of physical activity that help people worldwide lead healthier more active lives. With over 1000 titles in print in categories including strength training, yoga, dance, exercise, diet and many individual sports disciplines these books will be an important addition to your range.

Footprint Books will commence supply of titles from November 1st 2017. Backorders will be transferred to Footprint, for all orders and queries please contact Footprint customer service 02 9997 3973 or sales@footprint.com.au.

Returns queries should be directed to Human Kinetics at info@hkaustralia.com.


NewSouth Books to distribute Europa Editions

NewSouth Books is delighted to take on distribution of Europa Editions via Ingram Publishing Services, effective February 2018. Europa is one of America’s leading publishers of international fiction, publishing about 30 titles a year. ‘We look forward to working with NewSouth Books on bringing these compelling, vital, and entertaining voices to readers in Australia and New Zealand,’ says Michael Reynolds, Editor in Chief, Europa Editions.

To order titles please contact TL Distribution on (02) 8778 9999 or orders@tldistribution.com.au.




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