Books+Publishing Weekly Book Newsletter
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21 April 2022

WBN published Thursday next week

Due to the Anzac Day public holiday on Monday, 25 April the Weekly Book Newsletter will be published on Thursday, 28 April next week. The... Read more
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B+P Easter publishing schedule

Due to the Easter long weekend, there will be no Daily newsletter tomorrow, Friday, 15 April or Monday, 18 April. Next week’s Weekly Book Newsletter will be... Read more


UQP acquires van Neerven nonfiction book on sport x

UQP has acquired world rights to Personal Score, the first work of nonfiction by writer and poet Ellen van Neerven. Described by the publisher as... Read more
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Ondaatje Prize 2022 shortlist announced

The shortlist for this year’s £10,000 (A$17,500) Royal Society of Literature Ondaatje Prize has been announced. The annual award recognises the book ‘of highest literary... Read more

ABDA shortlists, FALS inaugural residency recipients, Waterstones profits down x

This week, the Australian Book Designers Association announced the shortlists for the 70th Australian Book Design Awards; the Foundation for Australian Literary Studies announced the recipients of its inaugural Writing at the Reef Residency; and the 2021 shortlists for the Overland Neilma Sidney Short Story Prize and Judith Wright Poetry Prize were also revealed.

In the UK, Waterstones reported its after-tax profit fell 85% as sales declined 39% in 2021; independent booksellers are concerned about cost of living rises leading to fewer customers and lower average spending; and the shortlists for the Jhalak Prize and the Jhalak Children’s & Young Adult Prize for Black, Asian and minority ethnic writers were announced.

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Picutre of paper rolls on machines at a Norske Skog mill


Paying the price for print x

Bumper book consumption was a silver lining of Covid. But could it also be part of a perfect storm that will drive up the price... Read more


Lauren Draper recommends

I adored Rhiannon Wilde’s debut novel Henry Hamlet’s Heart (UQP). It’s such a beautiful and warm novel, and perfectly balances the teenaged experience of friendship,... Read more


Lauren Draper on ‘The Museum of Broken Things’

Lauren Draper’s debut YA novel The Museum of Broken Things (Text, June) follows 18-year-old Reece, who finds herself living in a small beachside town. With multiple plotlines,... Read more


Rights round-up x

Sales Fiction Black Inc. has sold Russian translation rights to The Last Man in Europe (Dennis Glover) and Rose’s Vintage (Kayte Nunn) to MTS Library.... Read more


‘Bluey: Easter’ at number one six weeks running x

Top 10 bestsellers           Bluey: Easter (Puffin) Bluey: More Easter fun!: A craft book (Puffin) Dream Town (David Baldacci, Macmillan) Wings of Fire #15: The Flames... Read more


The Eulogy (Jackie Bailey, Hardie Grant) x

The Eulogy by Jackie Bailey is at once sprawling and intimate: it’s a novel of race, disability, trauma, poverty, abuse and maternal rage that takes... Read more

Books+Publishing pre-publication reviews are supported by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.


Cover of Hip Hop and Hymns


Hip Hop & Hymns (Mawunyo Gbogbo, Penguin) x

Hip Hop & Hymns is a beautiful and heart-wrenching memoir by Mawunyo Gbogbo, music and pop culture reporter for the ABC. Gbogbo begins her story... Read more

Books+Publishing pre-publication reviews are supported by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.



The Museum of Broken Things (Lauren Draper, Text) x

The concise opening of Lauren Draper’s debut YA novel immediately had me hooked: a new town, a mysterious statue and a curse all make for... Read more

Books+Publishing pre-publication reviews are supported by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.



An Exciting and Vivid Inner Life (Paul Dalla Rosa, A&U) x

The fiction of Melbourne-based Paul Dalla Rosa has been published in the Paris Review, Granta, McSweeney’s and Meanjin. His debut book, An Exciting and Vivid... Read more

Books+Publishing pre-publication reviews are supported by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.



What We All Saw (Mike Lucas, Puffin) x

In a small English country town in the 1970s, four friends make their way to the local quarry, a place where stories of witches and... Read more

Books+Publishing pre-publication reviews are supported by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.



Publishers Weekly’s 150th anniversary issue x

Books+Publishing is partnering with US trade news magazine Publishers Weekly to provide our subscribers with exclusive access to the weekly digital edition of PW magazine.... Read more


Read the latest Publishers Weekly x

Books+Publishing is partnering with US trade news magazine Publishers Weekly to provide our subscribers with exclusive access to the weekly digital edition of PW magazine.... Read more

Changes at Nielsen x

Olivia Johansson has joined Nielsen BookScan in the role of senior account executive, publishers, replacing Soren Huet, who has moved to the role of senior... Read more


Advance your grammar and writing skills

Leading teacher and editor Deb Doyle has developed these unique colour-coded course notes to meet your needs:

  • Grammar and Punctuation: The basics
  • The Parts of Speech: Nouns, verbs and the other seven
  • All Your Sentences Sorted: Simple, compound and complex
  • Perfect Punctuation: Commas, colons and co.
  • Writing Effective Paragraphs: What you need to know

Cost of each printout: $55 ($45 plus $10 shipping)
Cost of each PDF: $35

Work through any or all of the course notes at your own pace, alone or in one-on-one tuition sessions with Deb.





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