Ownership and banking details
Corporate ownership
Starting from 1 July 2018, Gary Pengelly’s company Books and Publishing Pty Ltd has purchased the Books+Publishing business from Thorpe-Bowker, a local subsidiary of its US-based parent company, ProQuest.
Read the full announcement here.
Australian Business Number
New number:
ABN 68 627 053 098
From 1 July 2018 and onwards, Books+Publishing is owned by Books and Publishing Pty Ltd.
Old number:
ABN 77 097 830 745
Before 1 July 2018, Books+Publishing was owned by Thorpe-Bowker, a division of R R Bowker LLC and subsidiary of ProQuest.
Banking details
New bank details have been provided on invoices:
National Australia Bank
BSB: 083-323
Account: 88-782-2258
Invoices sent from the website will come from the following email address:
From: noreply@crmaus.com.au
If you have requested an invoice when purchasing a classified or job ad through the advertising submissions portal, the invoice will be emailed to the admin user of the group account. You can find the email address of the admin user on the login page of Books+Publishing website, after logging in.
In February 2019, the business moved to a new office.
This is the new address:
PO Box 42
Prahran VIC 3181