Inside the Australian and New Zealand book industry

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In brief 

6 January 2011

New NZ award for children's book illustrators The New Zealand Arts Foundation announced the establishment of a new award for children's book illustrators in December. The award will be named the...

In brief 

31 July 2007

Miles Franklin winner to tour Queensland and NTAlexis Wright, the winner of this year's Miles Franklin Award for Carpentaria (Giramondo), will tour rural Queensland and the Northern Territory in August....

ASA rejects A-G’s latest classification guidelines 

22 May 2007

The Australian Society of Authors (ASA) has rejected the recent proposal by the Federal Attorney-General, Philip Ruddock, to change classification guidelines to include ‘works that advocate terrorism.'The ASA has expressed...

ABA, ASA critical of ‘classification’ bill 

13 March 2007

Following the proposal by Minister for the Arts Senator Coonan to introduce legislation to apply classifications to all electronically published material, peak publishing industry bodies have joined the Australian Publishers...

Book ‘classification’: draft legislation obtained 

6 March 2007

The online newsletter Crikey yesterday published a copy of a draft version of the government's proposed legislation aimed at making classification of content ‘technology neutral'.Margaret Simons, writing in Crikey, said...

Euthanasia book banned 

27 February 2007

The Classification Review Board (CRB) has banned The Peaceful Pill Handbook--a book on euthanasia co-written by euthanasia advocate Phillip Nitschke. The ban follows complaints from the Federal Attorney-General Philip Ruddock...

Books to receive classification ratings? 

27 February 2007

The Australian Publishers Association (APA) has raised concerns over aspects of proposed Government legislation that could mean that all books will have to be classified.Senator Helen Coonan, the minister for...

Two books banned for ‘inciting terrorism’ 

11 July 2006

Following a review of an earlier decision, the Classification Review Board has banned two books that it considers ‘promote jihad and incite terrorism.'The books, Defence of the Muslim Lands (Maktabah,...