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Melbourne couple wins at 2019 Prix Sorcières

21 February 2019

Picture book Petit Soldat (Editions du Seuil), by Melbourne-based couple Pierre Jacques Ober and Jules Ober, has been awarded at the 2019 Prix Sorcières in France. Due to be published...

Bella Andre makes French-translation deal with Kobo 

17 February 2014

US author Bella Andre has signed a deal with ebookseller Kobo for the exclusive rights to French translations of five titles over a three-month period, reports Publishers Weekly. The first title available, Le Cadeau (The Wedding...

Your store: French storytelling 

7 February 2014

‘Une souris verte qui courait dans l’herbe,’ French tutor Myriam Bourdon reads aloud to children at Readings bookstore in St Kilda. She then whispers the translation: ‘A green mouse that...