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Writing Australia defunded 

13 May 2013

Writing Australia, a national organisation that was launched in 2011 to support writers’ centres across Australia, has been ‘quietly defunded’, according to a report from artsHub. According to artsHub, the...

Writing Australia regional residencies announced 

13 August 2012

Writing Australia has announced the first recipients of its regional residency program, Writing Australia Places. Melanie Joosten from Victoria will spend four weeks in Orange, NSW, working on a novel...

Delahunty appointed Writing Australia national director 

5 April 2011

Former Victorian Arts and Education minister Mary Delahunty has been appointed national director of Writing Australia. In a statement from the organisation this week, interim chair Christine Gallagher said that...

Delahunty appointed Writing Australia national director 

5 April 2011

Former Victorian Arts and Education minister Mary Delahunty has been appointed national director of Writing Australia. In a statement from the organisation this week, interim chair Christine Gallagher said that...